If you have a commercial building, you likely have an HVAC system. They are essential for the heating and cooling needs of tenants and staff. However, your HVAC system will never work effectively without pairing it with a proper air duct system.
Your HVAC system uses air ducts to supply cooling and heating ventilation in different sections within the building. But eventually, your air ducts will get dirty, so you have to clean them to ensure proper airflow. If you're new to cleaning air ducts, now's the time to discover the advantages!
Advantage #1: Provides Cleaner Air
Since HVAC systems blow air into the air ducts, it also includes tiny dust particles that can get stuck within the air duct's interior surfaces. And over time, the HVAC system will only blow dirty or contaminated air, which reduces air quality. Dust-filled air can cause severe issues for allergy sufferers, not to mention the residue that's left on your office furniture and equipment.
You can have your maintenance personnel clean out your air ducts every month to ensure no dust, debris, or tiny insects get stuck inside. In this way, you can provide better airflow throughout the building.
Advantage #2: Improves Your HVAC System's Efficiency
Rather than investing in the latest HVAC system, just keeping your air ducts clean will significantly improve your system's performance. When you have dirty air ducts, your HVAC system must work twice as hard because the air ducts prevent proper airflow. Note: Without adequate maintenance, you're lessening the lifespan of your HVAC system.
It also means you'll face constant repairs that can drain your budget and resources. By keeping your building's ductwork clean and in top condition, there will be little need for HVAC technicians to make repair calls. Just be sure to schedule them for regular air duct cleaning and maintenance.
Advantage #3: Removes Foul Odors and Smells
Another advantage you will like about cleaning your air ducts is that it eliminates foul smells inside your building. Some people get easily distracted when they smell something unpleasant around the office, reducing productivity. Placing air fresheners around the facility won't eliminate foul smells if they come through the air ducts. A properly functioning HVAC system will clean the air inside your building, but only if you ensure the air ducts are kept clean.
Advantage #4: Better Air Flow Efficiency
If you notice your A/C is on, but there's no actual airflow, you may think it's broken, but this happens with uncleaned HVAC systems, making it hard to blow out air through the duct systems. Usually, a dirty filter can cause airflow disruption, so your HVAC technicians have to clean them.
And when your air filters have any damage, make sure you have them replaced with a new one. A damaged air filter gets dirty quickly, and it also doesn't catch the dirt, dust, and other contaminants from getting blown out of the air ducts.
Don't forget that Access Doors and Panels are here to provide quality products like HVAC duct access doors to make it easier for your technicians to clean your air ducts. Contact us at 1-800-609-2917 to place your order today!
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