It makes sense for building owners to look for new ways to make their buildings more energy-efficient. Something as simple as reducing electricity consumption can make a big difference in terms of costs and impact on the environment. Some building components like the HVAC system constantly runs to maintain acceptable air quality and flow, but there are many ways you can still lower electricity consumption. Access Doors and Panels is happy to provide some helpful suggestions:
Method #1: Unplug All Unused Appliances
The first step to achieving lower electricity bills is to unplug appliances when not in use. Building owners can also suggest this to tenants; educating them about phantom power is an excellent place to start (Phantom power is a term used to describe energy consumption by unused appliances left plugged in).
Ask your building tenants to unplug unused appliances, gadgets, or machines before leaving the building. You can also put up signs or reminders on walls to help them remember. Once everyone is in a good routine, you should start to see significant savings on your monthly energy bills.
Method #2: Use Automated Light Sensors
One part of a building that consumes a lot of energy is the bathroom. Cleaning personnel and tenants may be in the habit of leaving the bathroom lights on, but you can avoid that by installing automated light sensors.
The sensors will automatically enable the lights so that no one has to flip the switch every time they enter the bathroom. The sensors detect movement when someone enters within the vicinity, and it will automatically turn the lights while the bathroom is in use. Once the occupant leaves, the lights will turn off since the sensors no longer detect any movement inside.
Method #3: Install Light Dimmers
You might think that fancy homes and buildings use light dimmers to create ambiance, but there's a practical reason too. Many commercial and office buildings use light dimmers because it helps reduce electricity consumption. During daylight hours, provided your space has lots of windows letting in natural light, you don't need to turn all the lights on in the building. But when nighttime comes, you have to turn on the lights so that people can finish their work and see where they're walking. If you see that the lights are too bright, you can adjust their brightness using the light dimmers. It's also helpful for employees who have trouble seeing their computer screens because of the bright office lights.
Method #4: Use Automated HVAC Thermostats
You will find many buildings with many automated systems like HVAC thermostats. In most commercial buildings, thermostats are not accessible to building occupants or staff. Instead of manually adjusting the temperatures, the automated thermostat can do it for you.
If you want to save electricity and reduce energy bills for your commercial building, consider the four suggested methods. And if you need quality products like HVAC access doors and panels, contact us at 1-800-609-2917 or visit our website.
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